Wednesday, January 25, 2017

213th Annual Parish Meeting

From Father Desmond: 
"Greetings and Grace, Trinity Saints. First a word of Appreciation and Gratitude: Thanks to all of "us," who are members and friends of Trinity for a very lovely, positive and encouraging 213th Annual Parish meeting Sunday following worship. The Lord was very present in our midst and empowered us to accomplish His Will and Purpose for us. Thanks for your co-operation and your participation in the same. Also, the Potluck was terrific. To the Lord we give all the honor and the glory."

Congratulations and thank you to King John and Queen Claire, true royalty among Trinity saints. We appreciate all you do to keep things running smoothly at Trinity and for being integral parts of our church family.

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Sunday, January 15, 2017

Sunday School: Like a Dove

Do you wonder what we do in Sunday School? Today we learned about John baptizing Jesus. (Matthew 3:16-17) We read this in the Jesus Storybook Bible:  “A white dove flew down and gently rested on Jesus. And a voice came down from heaven… ‘This is my own Son. And I love him. I am very pleased with him,’ God said. ‘Listen to him.’ “ Then we made our own doves. Nate’s dove can really fly! (Maybe we’ll make some more next week at our 9:30 service. Come join us.)