Thursday, July 11, 2024

Planning for Our TCL Celebration Day on August 25, 2024

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A dedicated team of parish members has been planning worship, food and festivities for our 220th Birthday Celebration and Reunion. Below you'll see a bunch of friends at coffee hour on July 7th discussing the upcoming event.

If you used to attend Trinity or still do...if you've come to a fair or bazaar...if you're a former Sunday School student...if you're just curious about Trinity Church Lanisngburgh, please come to our celebration on August 25, 2024.

Great things can be accomplished during coffee hour!

Beth  and Dave are pensive as Stacy speaks.

Two Sams - and the younger Sam's mom - took a moment away from the meeting.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Outreach in May and June 2024

Trinity supports a number of missions in town and farther afield. 

We collect grocery and toiletry items for St. Augustine's Food Pantry every month. 

On May 26, Bob Giordano of Gideons International was a special speaker during our worship service. We collected funds to support the work of the Gideons which you can read about HERE.

On June 2nd, sisters from the the Community of St. Mary in both Greenwich, NY and Malawi, Africa visited. Mother Miriam gave the sermon and the sisters from Malawi presented information about their services for orphans, their school and choir. The Power Point presentation that was shared during coffee hour can be viewed HERE.

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Easter 2024...and Baptisms

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Trinity was decked out in all its finery for a beautiful Easter Festival service on March 31st. Enjoy these photos of the Altar Guild decorating the church; the beautiful flowering cross and altar; our talented trumpet soloist, Logan; and the newly baptized - Mackenzie Grace and Colton Daniel.

Trinity on Easter Morning

Mackenzie's and Colton's Baptisms

Altar Guild at Work on Easter Saturday

Friday, March 15, 2024

Sunday School Update: Pageants, Singing and More

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It's just one week until Palm Sunday.
What's with the 
Christmas and Epiphany photos?

Answer 1: The photoblogger is a procrastinator. 
Answer 2: We are blessed to have curious, bright children as partners in worship, and seeing their involvement in Eucharist services in person and in pictures is a blessing. 
Answer 3: Both of the above. 


During Advent and Epiphany, Trinity's children learned about the birth of Jesus and the visits of shepherds and Magi. We held a traditional Christmas Pageant celebrating the Baby Jesus in December and followed up with a visit to "Toddler Jesus" in January when we acknowledged the arrival of the Magi to Jesus's home, not to the stable in Bethlehem. 

What's been happening since then? We've had a lesson about 12-year-old Jesus in the temple, sitting among the teachers and astonishing them with his intelligent questions. Kids enjoyed this excerpt from "The Chosen" which portrayed the story well. Click HERE to view it. We followed that with lessons about Jesus's temptation in the wilderness and the calling of the disciples.

The children learned a classic camp praise song, "Lord. I Lift Your Name on High" on Sunday, February 25, when Danny Hyde visited Trinity to talk about Beaver Cross and deliver a sermon message. Steven Roy brought his guitar into the Sunday School room, and he and Maria Baughn helped teach the lyrics and hand motions. The congregation joined in as Stevie and Dave Jones provided accompaniment. Click HERE to see a YouTube video of a duo performing "Lord, I Lift Your Name on High." Lyrics are shown, and the gestures are almost exactly the same as the ones we used.

What's next? During the rest of March 2024, we'll talk about some of the miracles of Jesus and briefly cover the events of Holy Week and Easter.  This Easter, two of our kids are going to be baptized. That will be reason for more celebration and more photos. 

Christmas Pageant - December 17, 2023

On Sunday, December 17, 2023, we observed the birth of the Baby Jesus in Bethlehem. Luke 2:11-12 "Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Ordination and Consecration of Bishop Jeremiah Williamson

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The Rt. Rev. Jeremiah Williamson was ordained and consecrated as the 10th bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Albany on Feb. 24 at the Cathedral of All Saints in Albany, New York. An article about the consecration was filed by the Episcopal News Service and may be read HERE.

The Episcopal Diocese of Albany published THIS ARTICLE about the service on its website.

You can watch a video of the consecration on the Episcopal Diocese of Albany's YouTube channel HERE.

Father Desmond Francis and several members of Trinity parish were present at the service at the Cathedral. Thank you, Nancy, for your photos which appear below.