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Dave,Paul, Joey and John install the new ramp to the Parish Hall. |
Leaves for the Thanksgiving Tree awaiting our words of gratitude. |
The Mitten Tree with gift ideas for our adopted families. |
Ernie takes a mitten from the Mitten Tree. |
Thanksgiving and the days surrounding it brought traditional and new activities at Trinity.
As we entered church on the Sunday prior to Thanksgiving, we received colorful paper leaves. We took a few moments to reflect on what we were thankful for, wrote those "gratitudes" on the leaves, and hung the leaves on the tree as we went up to the altar for communion. Sunday School students tucked blank leaves inside homemade Thanksgiving cards that they sent to some of our shut-in parishioners.
On the same day, we saw another tree, this one covered with paper mittens. On each mitten was written the name of a present for members of our Christmas Adopt-a-Families. Parish members will make two families' Christmases merry and bright with generous gift giving. Thank you, Nancy Beatty, for organizing this annual project.
On the last Friday of November, stalwart Trinity saints installed the long-awaited access ramp to the Parish Hall. This is the last piece of the Building Access, Building Faith capital campaign which has made our church and parish hall accessible to all who wish to enter our doors. The ramp will replace the movable ramp that has been in use for the past several years. Thanks to John Bevis, Dave Jones, Paul Phelan, Joseph Phelan and Father Desmond for their work with this project.