Friday, December 20, 2019

Christmas Pageant and Bishop's Visitation 2019

On December 15, 2019, our Sunday School students presented their annual Christmas Pageant. This year we were blessed to have Bishop Love in attendance. He spent time with the kids at the pageant's conclusion, admiring notes and pictures that they had made for him.  As usual, the children made all of us smile. We appreciated this traditional celebration of Jesus's birth.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Second Annual Neighborhood Carnival - September 15, 2019

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About 80 people participated in our Second Annual Neighborhood Carnival. Many members of our Trinity family served free hot dogs and ice cream and manned the carnival booths: whack a frog, duck pond, ring drop, lollipop tree, balloon pop and duck pond among them.

Special thank-yous to Chris Balkwell, our organizer-extraordinaire, for all the work she did on set up; to Stacy Draper for her grant-writing efforts; and to Phoebe Bevis, master chef! The weather couldn't have been better!

The Record reporter Lauren Halligan was on hand to photograph the event and to write an article (here) that appeared in the Monday, September 16th issue of the newspaper. Thanks, Lauren!