Sunday, January 16, 2022

Christmas 2021

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Trinity dressed in holiday finery - 2021 style!

Filling of the Creche - December 19, 2021

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Traditionally, the Trinity Sunday School children perform a Nativity play during which some children read passages from the Bible about the birth of Jesus and other children dress as Mary, Joseph, angels, shepherds and wise men and create a stable tableau. In 2021, we substituted a creche-filling program for the play.   

At the beginning of the service, Dominic, Luca and Elijah helped to light the Advent wreath. Alissa and Lily read a passage from Isaiah, and Cora, Alice and Charlotte read from Luke. 
Children carried Nativity figures from a table near the baptismal font to the stable at the front of the church. Nate served as narrator for the creche-filling portion of the service.

We gathered for refreshments in the parish hall after the service. It was wonderful that Sunday School friends, who have been unable to visit in person for so long, had the opportunity to reunite.



Holiday Fair - November 13, 2021

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The in-person Holiday Fair returned on November 13, 2021. Holiday hand-crafted items and homemade baked goods were available for purchase. Three raffles were held: basket, turkey and 50/50. Breakfast and lunch were served. Masks were required within the Parish Hall. 

Business was brisk  - a total of over $5800!  Old friends were happy to come back to browse and buy - in spite of the mask requirements.