Saturday, September 14, 2024

220th Anniversary Congratulations from Government Representatives

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At our 220th Anniversary Celebration on August 25, 2024, Trinity was proud to welcome several honored dignitaries representing our local and federal governments. They presented our parish with congraluatory proclamations and documents. The photos below show Troy Councilman Bill Keal, Acting Rensselaer County Supreme Court Justice Debra Young, and Rensselaer County Legislators Laurie Kennedy and Dan Casale. Also pictured are the documents that they presented to Trinity Church Lansingburgh.

220th Anniversary Chairs Stacy Draper and John Rustin

Stacy Draper and John Rustin

Troy Councilman Bill Keal with Stacy, John and Rev. Desmond Francis

Troy Councilman Bill Keal with Stacy, John and Father Desmond

The Hon.Debra J. Young: Acting Supreme Court Justice of the Rensselaer County Supreme Court 

The Hon.Debra J. Young

Rensselaer County Legislator Daniel Casale with John Rustin and Rev. Desmond Francis

Rensselaer County Legislator Laurie Kennedy with John Rustin and Father Desmond

John Rustin, Rev. Desmond Francis and County Legislators Laurie Kennedy and Dan Casale

John Rustin, Rev. Desmond Francis and County Legislators Laurie Kennedy and Dan Casale

John Rustin, Rev. Desmond Francis and County Legislators Dan Casale and Laurie Kennedy (exiting)

From the City of Troy, signed by Mayor Carmella R. Mantello

From the Rensselaer County Legislature, signed by Legilsators Laurie Kennedy and Daniel Casale

From the Rensselaer County Executive Office, signed by County Executive Steven F. McLaughlin

From the United States Congress, signed by Member of Congress Elise M. Stefanik

From the New York State Assembly, signed by Member of the Assembly John T. McDonald III 

From the New York State Senate, signed by Senator Jake Ashby

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

220th Anniversary Celebration Luncheon and Grounds Tour

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Trinity parishioners and friends gathered in the Parish Hall for a wonderful meal and even more wonderful fellowship and conversation. At the conclusion of the luncheon, Stacy Draper conducted a tour of our historic graveyard.

To see photos of the worship service that preceded the luncheon, click HERE.

The anniversary cake was beautiful AND delicious!

Great-Grandmother and her greatgrandsons!

Old friends reunited!

In the Memorial Garden

To see photos of the worship service that preceded the luncheon, click HERE.

220th Anniversary Celebration Worship Service - August 25, 2024

 Please visit our website at

From Father Desmond: "Rejoicing in the Faithfulness of our Lord as we celebrated Trinity's 220th Anniversary! We had approximately 80 people in attendance for the Worship Service. Several more were able to attend the Reception/Fellowship. We are grateful to John Rustin, Stacy Draper, Claire Steiner, the Women of Trinity and so many others of us who worked together for the success of the Anniversary celebrations. We certainly give God all the glory, honor and praise. We commit to being Faithful to the Lord and to each other to fulfill our parish mission."

To see photos of the luncheon that followed the worship service click HERE.

At the conclusion of our worship, the congregation gathered for a "Trinity Family" photo.

The Altar Guild worked hard to make everything beautiful.
Flowers welcomed congregants as they entered the church building.

The Lady Altar bedecked with flowers

The processional

The choir processed to "The Church's One Foundation." 

Father Desmond Francis led us in worship.

The reading of the Gospel: John 6: 56-69

Crispin Hall before his speech

Crispin Hall shared his memories of growing up in Trinity parish.

The sermon: "The Purpose of and for the Church"

To see photos of the luncheon that followed the worship service click HERE.