Saturday, September 14, 2024

220th Anniversary Congratulations from Government Representatives

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At our 220th Anniversary Celebration on August 25, 2024, Trinity was proud to welcome several honored dignitaries representing our local and federal governments. They presented our parish with congraluatory proclamations and documents. The photos below show Troy Councilman Bill Keal, Acting Rensselaer County Supreme Court Justice Debra Young, and Rensselaer County Legislators Laurie Kennedy and Dan Casale. Also pictured are the documents that they presented to Trinity Church Lansingburgh.

220th Anniversary Chairs Stacy Draper and John Rustin

Stacy Draper and John Rustin

Troy Councilman Bill Keal with Stacy, John and Rev. Desmond Francis

Troy Councilman Bill Keal with Stacy, John and Father Desmond

The Hon.Debra J. Young: Acting Supreme Court Justice of the Rensselaer County Supreme Court 

The Hon.Debra J. Young

Rensselaer County Legislator Daniel Casale with John Rustin and Rev. Desmond Francis

Rensselaer County Legislator Laurie Kennedy with John Rustin and Father Desmond

John Rustin, Rev. Desmond Francis and County Legislators Laurie Kennedy and Dan Casale

John Rustin, Rev. Desmond Francis and County Legislators Laurie Kennedy and Dan Casale

John Rustin, Rev. Desmond Francis and County Legislators Dan Casale and Laurie Kennedy (exiting)

From the City of Troy, signed by Mayor Carmella R. Mantello

From the Rensselaer County Legislature, signed by Legilsators Laurie Kennedy and Daniel Casale

From the Rensselaer County Executive Office, signed by County Executive Steven F. McLaughlin

From the United States Congress, signed by Member of Congress Elise M. Stefanik

From the New York State Assembly, signed by Member of the Assembly John T. McDonald III 

From the New York State Senate, signed by Senator Jake Ashby

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